Work on it and the ideas will come

I keep preparing my course about makerspaces. I devoted a lot of time to reading, watching videos, looking for examples, talking to different people, and making stuff. As I said in a previous post, learning by doing to take my level of knowledge about the topic to a new stage. And it’s working! I will keep going forward but am glad to say that I already feel very confident to start teaching about this.

When learning deeper about something, soon you begin to realize new possibilities beyond the goals you set at the beginning. Makerspaces allow working with a broad range of materials, in a variety of circumstances, with a lot of money or on a low-budget, and with different purposes. Schools and libraries are not the only places that can host a makerspace, but there is no doubt (to me) that most of them should consider doing so.

A lot of ideas came to my mind in the last weeks as I progressed with my preparation plan. As Mark Manson says in The subtle art of not giving a f*ck:

If you’re stuck on a problem, don’t sit there and think about it; just start working on it. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, the simple act of working on it will eventually cause the right ideas to show up in your head.

I wasn’t exactly stuck on a problem, but the quote applies to my case because problem is defined here as anything you need to do something about. And when I started working on it, soon business, educational, and other ideas started appearing in my mind. It’s exciting!

Most of these ideas won’t come to reality (because an idea doesn’t always equate to a good idea), but I hope some of them will. The only thing I have to do is start working on them… and see what happens. 🙂

Picture: Snapp3r.

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