Where Has My Blog Gone?

I started blogging in February 2003. I have posted content in more blogs than I can remember, but the one you are reading now has always been my main one (with three different names). That being so, how is it possible that there are only eight posts in the archives?


I have changed a lot in the last twelve years. My professional career has evolved a lot, my interests are different now than they were at the time… and I have been through a number of good and bad personal circumstances that have changed me in many ways. But nevertheless, I always had the same old blog which archives started in 2003. That made me feel bad because the Javier that I am now is hugely different than the one I was in the beginning.

I have published some good and probably a lot of bad content since 2003, but I regret nothing about my life as a blogger. In fact, I am proud that I started to blog when only a few people was doing it. But, for a long time, looking at the archives felt like a burden that prevented me to keep writing. I had to make a decision, and that is exactly what I did some days ago.

First of all, I did not want to delete all my content because I think it is an important part of my life (even if nobody reads it). But I wanted to remove it from my sight, so I divided it into two different stages and created a couple of spaces on WordPress:

So now I have a new blog in the same space I had the old one. I kept a few posts written in English because the content was quite new and this is the language I want to use in my blog from now on. That way, perhaps I will be able to practice and improve my writing skills.

And that is it. Welcome again to my blog, whatever it ends being…

Picture: Le petit piroguier (Gustave Deghilage)

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