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XIX Jornada de Gestión de Información de SEDIC

Biblioteca Nacional de España Paseo de Recoletos, 20, Madrid, Spain

Participación como ponente en la sesión sobre perfiles profesionales y formación. Nota posterior al evento.


Formación + consultoría para la implantación de un makerspace

Esta actuación consta de varias jornadas de trabajo. La primera parte sirve para poner las bases conceptuales y esgrimir las posibilidades de un makerspace y las siguientes se dedican a esbozar la planificación para la creación de un espacio de creación específico para la institución contratante.

Formación interna

Online course. Makerspaces and the maker movement: equipment, activities, and strategies for deploying the experience-based learning in the library


This course is accredited by the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. Attendants Librarians Teachers Course syllabus Maker movement and makerspaces: an overview Space needs in a makerspace Equipment and materials Types of maker activities The budget in makerspace Events, publications and other resources about the topic


Webinar: Gestión de espacios compartidos en Google Drive


Google Drive permite crear distintos tipos de documentos y organizarlos en una estructura de carpetas. Cada uno de estos documentos o carpetas puede ser gestionado individualmente o en grupo, y con distintos tipos de configuraciones respecto a los permitos de acceso, edición y administración. En este webinar aprenderemos a configurar correctamente cada elemento de acuerdo ... Keep reading...

Free – 10€

Workshop: The Maker Movement

Biblioteca Vapor Badia Carrer de les Tres Creus, 127-129, Sabadell, Spain

I delivered a workshop for the Sabadell Public Library System. They were looking for the best approach to develop a makerspace and maker activities in their libraries, and the aim of the workshop was to help them identify opportunities and a shared plan on the topic. The session outline was as follows: Makerspaces 101 The ... Keep reading...

Course. Makerspaces in libraries (1st edition IAAP)

Instituto Asturiano de la Administración Pública Adolfo Posada Julián Clavería 11, Oviedo, Spain

Attendants: Asturian Government librarians (from school, public and university libraries). Course syllabus Makerspaces 101 Space planning in a makerspace Tools and materials in a makerspace Events in a makerspace The budget in a makerspace Maker faires and publications

Course. Makerspaces in libraries (2nd edition IAAP)

Instituto Asturiano de la Administración Pública Adolfo Posada Julián Clavería 11, Oviedo, Spain

Attendants: Asturian Government librarians (from school, public and university libraries). Course syllabus Makerspaces 101 Space planning in a makerspace Tools and materials in a makerspace Events in a makerspace The budget in a makerspace Maker faires and publications

Curso online: Movimiento Maker y Makerspaces: actividades, equipamiento y estrategias para el aprendizaje basado en la experiencia (2ª edición)


Actividad de formación reconocida por la UVic-UCC (Universidad de Vic - Universitat Central de Cataluña) a través del CIFE (Centro de Innovación y Formación en Educación) Los makerspaces o espacios de fabricación son instalaciones que diversas instituciones (escuelas, bibliotecas, centros cívicos, etc.) están poniendo en marcha para dar respuesta a las necesidades educativas y de ... Keep reading...


Course. Makerspaces in libraries (Mallorca Government)

Attendants: Mallorca Government librarians (from public and university libraries). Course syllabus Makerspaces 101 Space planning in a makerspace Tools and materials in a makerspace Events in a makerspace The budget in a makerspace Maker faires and publications

Workshop: Makerspaces and maker activities

Universitat Politècnica València (UPV) Valencia, Spain

In this four hour workshop, we talked about the maker movement and how libraries can use makerspaces as a new way to fulfill their mission. We finished the session by working on a paper circuits activity so the attendants became aware they don't need a big investment to be started with maker activities.


Course on Makerspaces for the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1st edition)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Spain

Attendants: Autonomous University of Barcelona staff (mostly librarians) Course syllabus Makerspaces 101 Why does a university need a makerspace? Tools and materials in a makerspace Events in a makerspace Setting up a makerspace at the university Maker faires and publications

Formación interna

Course on Makerspaces for the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2nd edition)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Spain

Attendants: Autonomous University of Barcelona staff (mostly librarians) Course syllabus Makerspaces 101 Why does a university need a makerspace? Tools and materials in a makerspace Events in a makerspace Setting up a makerspace at the university Maker faires and publications