After almost two years in the corporate world, I am back to my own consulting and training business.
This time, I will be more focused on the use of digital technology to enhance teaching and learning. The main reasons of this specialization are:
- I love it. Introducing new tools and methods (that involve technology) in education is like a game to me.
- My professional experience can be very valuable for those who need help in this field (at least that’s what I think!).
So here I am, on the road again.
I closed a deal this morning (a small training project), but I still have a lot to plan and do so I wouldn’t dare to say I have fully started yet. Apart from that, I have already talked to different people asking them for feedback on my ideas and letting them know I am available for new projects.
A couple more things to say:
- It doesn’t matter where the project is as long as it’s something I can and want to do. That means I am going to keep posting in English, but I will also start translating the new content into Spanish. Yes… I said into Spanish and not the other way around even though Spanish is much easier than English to me. I should explain this better, but I leave it for another time.
- I am not going to be alone in this adventure. This is one of the reasons I am (we are) building a more corporate site. I will keep using my personal site, but we will have another one where we will offer different (and probably better) content.
As I’ve said before, there is still a lot to plan, do… and tell. Let’s take one step at a time.
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