On the road again

After almost two years in the corporate world, I am back to my own consulting and training business. This time, I will be more focused on the use of digital technology to enhance teaching and learning. The main reasons of this specialization are: I love it. Introducing new tools and methods (that involve technology) in … Keep reading…

Starting a New Chapter in my Career

I’ve been an independent consultant for ten years. During that time I’ve worked mostly in Spain and Latin America, with a short experience in the United States. I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to a large number of projects and to work together with a lot of people from around the world. Working for oneself … Keep reading…

Toulouse Metropole: My First Marathon

At the beginning of the summer I decided to run my first marathon. Because I was afraid of the challenge, I chose a five month training plan that would give me enough time to build my strength. I signed up for Castellón, which is happening in December, and started running five times a week. But … Keep reading…