Archives in the network society and the role of the content curator

Last month, I delivered a presentation titled Archives in the network society and the role of the content curator. It was at a conference about archives digitalization organized by the Consello da Cultura Galega in Santiago de Compostela.

My talk was the fourth and last one, after the following:

  • Digitalization processes: state of the art (Mercedes Caridad, Universidad Carlos III).
  • Towards a model of documentary heritage representation: case studies (Jesús Robledano, Universidad Carlos III).
  • ICT applied to archives (Ernest Abadal, Universitat de Barcelona).

I started explaining the concept of network society and introducing some others that I believe are relevant when thinking about archives:

  • Transparency / Openness
  • Accessibility
  • Collaborative work
  • Hybridization / New content
  • New relationships
  • Information spreading

For each concept, I showed real examples (that I consider to be good practices) coming from different archives. One of them had to do with content curation, which I believe is one of the opportunities archives can take advantage of nowadays.

Finally, I went into the concept of content curation, presented the 4S’s model and explained the whys and hows of the process.

Below you can watch the video of my presentation and the slides I used as a support (in Spanish):

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