Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council: Social media guidelines

Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona) City Hall has just published its social media usage guidelines, in which creation I worked some months ago. It contains four different sections:

  • User guide
  • Directory of government social media accounts
  • Participation rules
  • Terminology

A city government is a complex entity, so we had to take into consideration some different perspectives:

  • Politicians
  • Government staff
  • Councillorships
  • Autonomous entities

The information that you can see in the municipal website is only a part of the project. The other part is an internal guide with procedures and templates which is aimed to help them in a daily basis. For example: how to proceed when an online reputation crisis hits? What are the steps that everyone must follow when creating a new account on any social media platform? Etc.

After finishing the writing of the guidelines, I did a training session with the local politicians and managers.

Social media guidelines

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