Javier Leiva

Growing by Learning and Learning by Doing

A Bored Hotel Security Robot

I was surprised to see a security robot standing next to the front door outside the Portland hotel I stayed in this weekend. I have always been curious about these sorts of tech things, so I did some superficial research and discovered its name is K5 Autonomous Security Robot (K5 ASR, for short). The K5 […]

How to Deal with Uncertainty

My early morning internet wandering randomly led me to 30 questions for me and for you. The author, whom I don’t know, asks the reader to email them an answer to at least one of the 30 questions they pose. I thought it was a fun challenge, skimmed the 30 questions, and chose this one: […]

Hoodoos: The Metolius Balancing Rocks

The Metolius Balancing Rocks are about an 80-minute drive from Bend. Once you get to the Oregon Hoodoos Trailhead, after crossing the unreal territories that surround Lake Billy Chinook, it’s a short walk to the hoodoos. From there, the views of the lake’s most western point are breathtaking. But are the hoodoos man-made, or just […]

New Paths

The well-trodden paths in life -the ones that are clear and easy to follow- have already been carved out by others. These paths represent conventional wisdom, societal expectations, or traditional routes to success. But true fulfillment, Campbell suggests, comes from forging your own way. This doesn’t mean that every individual has a predetermined unique path […]

Tennis Abstract

I love databases, and tennis is my favorite sport, so it will come as no surprise if I say that I could spend hours and hours exploring all that Tennis Abstract has to offer. I also love its design, which is very close to no design at all. Look at any player, and you can […]