How to find Twitter lists using Google

Twitter lists are a great way to identify specialists or good content on any topic we are interested in, but Twitter itself doesn’t include a way to find them. Fortunately, we have Google to help us solve that issue. These are the elements we have to take into consideration, and that will ultimately help us … Keep reading…

Archives in the network society and the role of the content curator

Last month, I delivered a presentation titled Archives in the network society and the role of the content curator. It was at a conference about archives digitalization organized by the Consello da Cultura Galega in Santiago de Compostela. My talk was the fourth and last one, after the following: Digitalization processes: state of the art … Keep reading…

Course about video and the use of Youtube in professional projects

I recently finished a course for the COBDC about the video format, and more specifically about its use in the Youtube environment and related to the Booktube movement. In fact, the course title was Vull ser booktuber! (I want to be a booktuber!) The course was developed face-to-face, in two working sessions and focused on … Keep reading…

How I create instructional materials

Some days ago I closed a deal to create two different instructional materials for an university master’s degree. One of them is going to be in a traditional format (text with a few images, about 40 pages long…), while the other one will be a website or a directory (we still have to make the … Keep reading…